Lacey Picazo, Champion for Human Factors in Tech

Lacey is a CEO and Speaker, uncovering how psychology impacts the success of products, business, culture, and individual potential.
Lacey Picazo on stage with 3 other speakers at a conference
Headshot of Lacey Picazo with a red blazer

Hi, I’m Lacey!

I’m the CEO of ZoCo, a product and experience design studio obsessing over human behavior and how the experiences we have influence what we do.

As a former designer and researcher turned into a multi-time founder, I’ve realized all success comes down to understanding people and responding to meet them where they are. My deep fascination across my career has been on thriving cultures, human-systems, emotional intelligence, how the best teams work, and how leaders meet their potential. 

I use my experience in research to match patterns between psychology and technology, applying this knowledge through experiments in our team’s culture (which has been nationally recognized), within the client teams we serve, and in my own evolving perspective helping fellow execs navigate their world.

Connect with Lacey

Have an event in mind? Reach out.


Lacey Speaks About

Human Factors in Tech

Learn what it means to truly understand people and what’s behind their behavior in an age of tech advances (see our AI research), as we lose connection and as teams struggle to collaborate effectively.


Building a business is an aspiration for many, but founders can easily end up in roles they despise. How do we understand these patterns and build businesses that are both valuable and energizing?

Treating Culture like a Product

The same principles that inform bringing a product to market are those that bolster a strong culture and united team. Lacey shares how we can apply product principles to hiring and managing people.

Leadership & Mental Health

Lacey shares her journey and principles like introspection, identifying your mental chatter, challenging assumptions, and leaning into curiosity to understand if the stories we tell ourselves are true.

Measuring Impact and Proving Value

Teams are facing scrutiny to prove value, and those who have built a culture for measurement and know how to champion that story to their most senior stakeholders are finding success. How do they do it?

Product, Design, and Research

And of course, Lacey speaks on all things amplifying product, design, and UXR—from best practices, patterns in evolving roles, career paths, business-minded designers, leveraging AI, and more.

Human Factors in Tech


Treating Culture like a Product

Leadership and Mental Health

Measuring Impact and Proving Value

Product, Design, and Research

Lacey has been honored by:

Lacey speaks for product and tech conferences, executive leadership groups, top universities, corporate giants, and internal teams.

Select Events

Women in Product


CIO Tomorrow

CDO Tech Summit



OSU Center for Entrepreneurship Keynote: Link


Women in Digital National Conference

Women in Technology International (WITI)

WITCON (Women in Tech Conference)

OhioX Tech Summit

Making Midwest

Select Podcasts

Betting on Yourself: Link

CDO GPSec: Human Factors in AI: Link

That Worked: Link

UX Banter: Link

Northcoast Ventures: Link

CMD-Z: Link

614 Startups: Link

Women of Influence: Link

The Creative’s Journal: Link

Products for People: Human Experience in Tech: Link

Products for People: Bringing the Customer into Corporate Innovation: Link

Lacey also facilitates roundtables for Product Invitational events featuring leaders from...

Why work with Lacey?

Real-world experience

Lacey is a 2x founder and CEO, actively working with product and design teams. This enables a daily test kitchen for real-time anecdotes, constant learning, and what's working now.

Human Storytelling

Lacey isn't prone to sharing stuffy, high-level frameworks. Her stories are memorable, relatable, and bring the concepts to life for others to apply to their own challenges.

Curation & Empathy

Lacey's point of view is shaped by her daily exposure to diverse teams outside of her own company. She is able to customize her message to a variety of audiences.

Energy & Commitment

Lacey is committed to ensuring any engagement she takes on is successful. She'll engage fully with organizers and give it her all. NPS surveys confirm, Lacey consistently delivers.

As seen on James Clear's Newsletter, 3-2-1...


Kudos and Endorsements

THANK YOU for the session yesterday. The team found the content very valuable. I heard throughout the day as we did our quarterly planning sessions people make reference to your presentation. The phrase “you heard Lacey mention this morning…” was very common. I am already getting requests for you to return. :) You had a very positive impact on the attendees yesterday. 
Danny Allred
Conversational AI Leader, Nationwide
You are an incredibly influential and admired leader. Your journey building ZoCo is inspiring. I first saw you present at the seminal OhioX EdTech conference. The way you told the ZoCo story — your words and your presentation — totally changed how we build our own presentations and narratives at Dolr. I've never mentioned this to you before and I'm ashamed I haven't because I'm so grateful to you for teaching me what GREAT storytelling looks and sounds like. I still refer back to my emotions during different phases of that presentation when I'm building presentations. Thank you!!
Naveed Iqbal
CEO of Dolr
Without a doubt, Lacey Picazo is an outstanding public speaker. So many entrepreneurs look to convey too many points in a given public speaking opportunity, Lacey is much more refined. She understands her audience, she communicates the key takeaways that she wants the audience to remember, and tells a story within the communication to make it memorable. By keeping the information succinct and memorable, Lacey would be an outstanding addition to a conference based around design, IT, or entrepreneurship
Steve Gruetter
Director of Strategy, Expedient
From an event organizer’s perspective, Lacey was top-notch. She was collaborative, communicative, and committed to ensuring that her engagement with RTRX delivered on the vision we shaped together. I, without reservation, recommend Lacey as she will elevate your programming and attendee experience
Suraj Hinduja
Managing Director of RTRX

Ideas & Writing from Lacey

10 Years of ZoCo

ZoCo Design is TEN. My oh my—how the years have flown by. As ZoCo's founder...

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My First Keynote

My first keynote deserves an explanation. Because the day before I was asked to speak...

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Employees with a Values Fit

Uncertainty continues to be a stressor for businesses, where the retention of our...

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The Stories I Tell Myself

Writing makes me uneasy. This isn’t like anxiety resulting in sweaty palms or a jolt of...

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If you’re interested in working with Lacey for your event, fill out the Speaker Request Form below.
