Music Together,
Hello Everybody

Offering early childhood music classes around the world, Music Together is on a mission to make the world a better place through music. Outside of the classroom, their mobile app, Hello Everybody, continues the mission of connecting children and parents to music.

Our primary focus was building a delightful experience that all ages could easily use.

We discovered our greatest opportunity was to set a foundation of user experience patterns and navigation that users have come to know and expect in modern apps. Additionally, we established a consistent design system of buttons, forms, and icons. We moved the most important features to the main navigation, and the most important tools were always accessible.

But, families didn’t need to just play music; they needed to experience it.

In support of Music Together’s initiative to bring families together, the app is a comprehensive space for families to learn and connect over music, activities, and stories—just like they would in the classroom.

Storybooks are now a part of the main navigation, making it easier for families to discover.

Music videos are also easier to initiate. Now when families feel the beat, recording is just one tap away.

Their bright brand and whimsical characters turn up the volume.

Balancing the Music Together brand colors with their vivid album artwork was a challenge. We used shades of their brand purple for the majority of the interface, while sprinkling in their other colors throughout the onboarding process. Finally, the icing on the cake, the animated “Friends” bring an element of delight to the whole experience.

Now families all over the world can make music, well, together!

What we delivered to Music Together:

User Experience Audit

Brand Application

User Experience Design


Service Journey Workshop

Service Journey Workshop

Focus Groups