
Avandra Imaging collects and anonymizes medical images, creating a marketplace of datasets vital to medical research and innovation.

The medical imaging industry relies on outdated, inefficient systems.

Currently, radiology images are captured, stored, and shared using physical media like CDs and DVDs. This approach is not scalable and limits the potential for healthcare innovation. Avandra identified a transformative opportunity: to collect and anonymize up to 75% of all medical images in the U.S. which would accelerate healthcare innovation, improve patient outcomes, and create a scalable solution for the industry.

A collection of healthcare imaging-relevant key words like Innovation, Providers, and Clinical Trials

Uncovering the buyers and users

We started this project with a vague sense of who the users and buyers of Avandra would be, but through the research process, we were able to narrow down the audience as we learned more. This process ultimately clarified the specific industries, departments, and teams Avandra’s buyers and users belong to—crucial insights that are invaluable during the sales process.

Identifying gaps and opportunities for differentiation

A detailed analysis of the competitive landscape identified gaps and opportunities for differentiation—there were specific types of imaging data that Avandra needed to include in the first iteration of their product in order to compete. Insights from this effort directly impacted product features and positioning.

A matrix with Indirect competitor to Direct competitor on the y-axis, and concierge service to self-serve product on the x-axis. Avandra's competitors are plotted on the matrix.
A portrait of an industry expert with the quote: "you need to have some use cases at the right time, like earlier on the drug development to target those teams, sales and medical..."

Finding product-market fit

ZoCo conducted interviews with industry experts that were instrumental in uncovering the most important use cases for Avandra, from clinical trials design innovation to radiomics and feature extraction. Insights from these interviews also helped Avandra refine their core value propositions, enabling a clearer focus on features to prioritize as they prepared for product launch.

ZoCo collaborated closely with Avandra, providing real-time updates on insights that could be immediately integrated into their ongoing efforts.

As an early-stage company, Avandra prioritized continuous value delivery over polished, high-fidelity reports, so we focused on sharing findings in real-time as they emerged. We also delivered a comprehensive report that consolidated all of our research, along with a strategic roadmap outlining the next steps and product direction. This report not only served as documentation for future reference but also became a valuable training resource for Avandra's growing team.

We are thrilled to have joined Avandra on their path to organizing the world's medical images.

What we delivered for Avandra:

Competitive Analysis

Strategic Recommendations

Generative User Research

UX Roadmap

User & Buyer Segmentation